Monday, 3 September 2012

I will tell you all my sins after several large gins

I disappeared for a few days. Took a train across the country and drank over-priced beers in hotel bars. Danced until all my carefully applied make-up was nothing but a memory and my twisted ankle was twice the size (do not trust stairs, they're out to get you). Never once missed him or wanted him to share my moments and new memories. Drank red wine and ate ice-cream. Met new friends. Hugged old friends. Got lost, got drunk, got happy. Felt at peace in some way, felt relief. Missed the West Coast and felt more relief (if I miss it it might be right for me). Took a train back home. Allowed the rhythmic thumping and pounding of the rails rock me to sleep. Stepped of in a new-old kind of city.
A city I might want to make mine, job and house market allowing.

It's been a good few days.


  1. vilken stad blir det, Göteborg?
    Blir glad när jag läser om att du haft några bra dagar. kram

    1. Just nu lutar jag mot Goteborg, men har lite forkarlek for Malmo ocksa. Men jo, Goteborg. Vilket ar jattekonstigt efterssom jag vuxit upp en timma darifran och alldir forut velat bo dar.
      Hoppas dina dagar blir battre, laste din blogg nyss, tanker pa dig. <3
