Sunday 22 July 2012

If all else fails I'm moving to Kiruna to work in the mines

I need to stop focusing on the things I will miss and shift my focus onto the things which I will be happy to fly away from (see: rubbish in the streets, crap job, the snoring and the lonely Saturdays).
It's my last few days here and I still can't allow myself to break down and cry, I can't stop and feel how much it hurts and I can't allow myself to stay in bed with the duvet over my head. I'm terrified of letting go and feeling all this SHIT that's surrounding me. I don't want to and I simply can't afford to.
So yeah. Shifting focus. Bad things. Like his constant farting and the rain.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, we will! And earn LIKE A MILLION, just imagine, sitting on our arses, drinking coffee with the miners, telling stories about how we almost hit a reindeer on our way to work, then go home to the cabin, there is nothing to do up there so we will be rich, RICH I TELL YOU! /e
