Tuesday 7 August 2012

I want you to want me//I need you to need me

I'm developing a slight tan over my face and chest. My hair is even blonder, my skin has more of a glow and my body gets to move again. Walk up to my grandparents, swim in the ocean, ride a bike in the wind and the rain. The salt in the air leaves a thin layer over my skin and hair, I breathe in the North Sea daily.
My jacket becomes a sail when I cycle home and I'm pushed forward.

So, the amount of wine I drink and the occasional cigarette might keep me from becoming a bronzed gym bunny-goddess (HA!) but the air, the grass under my bare feet and the salt sea is helping. It makes it easier to take care of my body while my mind stays numb.
And so what if a new perfume and a time booked with the hairdresser isn't the cure for all that is hurtful. It sure as hell doesn't make it worse.

1 comment:

  1. Låter härligt, saknar min kära norrland när jag läser det här inlägget. Och havet. Är omringad av vatten överallt här i Köpenhamn men tar mig aldrig ut dit ändå. Cycklar istället över samma vägar av betong, varje dag. Måste snart komma ut från den här apatin..
    Men tack för härlig läsning, kunde nästan känna saltet över huden själv :)
